When your home needs that little something extra, a home addition can be the perfect touch that adds so much to the quality of the property. A home addition is a home improvement project that will add extra living space to an existing home, and if you are looking for extra space, whether it’s for storage or to improve the quality of your home, John Christopher Construction provides a variety of commercial remodels and rental property renovation services in Orange County.

Call: (949) 415-4534 to get started

From Start to Finish, We’ve Got You Covered

The task of undertaking a home addition is not just about choosing the right materials but is an expansive job that needs to be done swiftly to minimize upheaval in your life. Whether you are looking to change the roofing, flooring, or you are looking for second story home additions, John Christopher Construction can help you with every piece of the puzzle, from the construction permits and plans, all the way through to the final commercial tenant improvements.

Our Home Addition Services

home Addition ContractorsOur room addition contractors can provide you with resources throughout every step of the process, including the following areas:
Demolition and Renovation
Whether you need to rip everything out and start again to get a blank canvas, or there are parts of your commercial property that don’t seem quite right, we take ownership of the complete process, guaranteeing a secure and safe demolition and renovation process.

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodels
Our complete bathroom remodels and kitchen remodels ensure that if you are looking to add extra personality to these important rooms of your home, our experts will help you at every step.

Essential Foundational Installations
From roofing, flooring, wall framing, and concrete installation, our professionals ensure these critical aspects provide the framework for your property.

Second Story Additions
If you are looking to expand your rental property upwards, we provide a variety of resources to ensure the second story improvements help the property match the tone of the neighborhood, and guarantee extra value for the property itself.

Why You Would Benefit From a Home Addition

home Addition ContractorsIf you are looking for room addition contractors to add value to your property, there are a number of reasons why you would benefit. A complete addition to your property can be a very complex undertaking, resulting in a variety of additional components to the property, from the framing to the plumbing, electrical, and foundational solutions, but a home addition offers many benefits, including the following:
Added Value
If you are undertaking a number of commercial remodels, it’s always worth keeping an eye on the value of the property. A home addition can add tremendous value and equity to your home.

Increased Storage
As a way to appeal to commercial tenants, providing a variety of storage solutions in today’s overly cramped world can mean the difference between a run-of-the-mill tenant and the right person that can lease your property.

A Specialized Space
It’s not just enough to have a bedroom, kitchen, and living room; many people demand extra space for a specialized task, for example, a home office, a playroom for the children, and the list goes on.

Modifying Existing Spaces
Home additions do not necessarily mean adding a whole extra floor to the property. With the right commercial tenant improvement contractors, you can give extra functionality to any property, potentially converting places in the home that were once unusable into something that serves a whole new function.

Why We Can Help You Realize Your Vision

Home Addition ContractorsFinding the right remodel contractors is difficult. Because there are a variety of moving parts involved in undertaking a vast renovation, it makes sense to find experts who are well-versed in the entire process of commercial remodels. From the construction permits and plans, all the way through to the finishing touches, these are the reasons why John Christopher Construction can provide you with invaluable support:
Fully Licensed and Experienced General Contractors
With years of experience in every aspect of the renovation process, from the electrics to the plumbing and the building itself, our contractors are fully licensed and up-to-date with every professional qualification and license.

High-Quality Support
John Christopher Construction provides the highest quality work in the Orange County area. We work with you throughout every step of the process to ensure that you are always happy.

High-End Customer Service
The beating heart of our business is the service we give to you. We believe in providing value to every customer experience beyond the job itself.

Ready to Add Something More?

If you are looking for the best rental property remodel contractors in Orange County, John Christopher Construction are here to give you a helping hand every step of the way. Get in contact with us at (949) 415-4534 or fill out our online form, and we will give your home an extra addition that adds so much more.