You require a permit to construct new homes, commercial construction, and remodeling of the existing ones. You need to comply with the applicable building codes, ensuring structure safety to get issued with the permit. This regards the design of the building structures. We’ll the steps required to obtain a building permit ranging from preliminary review to approval. In addition to carrying out the entire construction project from the ground up, we’ll also assist you with:

  • Required building permits
  • Preliminary review
  • Application for permit
  • The review process
  • Corrections and clarifications

Call: (949) 415-4534 to get your project started

When You May Require Building Permits

If you’re constructing, converting, improving, removing, demolishing, repairing, or enlarging a building, you require a permit. Note a building can range from a house to a add-on. A building permit includes electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and grading permits.

While you need different permits, they get combined into one package. Do you have a project and have questions regarding permit requirements? Do not hesitate to contact Orange County General Contractors. You may need experienced and licensed framing contractors to guide you on your construction needs, including:

Preliminary Review Before Application

Construction Plans and Permitting ProfessionalBefore you apply for your building permit, you may want to consult a professional. They can answer any questions you may have regarding the application and inform you if it follows the set guidelines on project development.

You may also want to know if your project needs planning approval before applying for the permit. Approval may need action by the Planning Commission or the Architectural Review Commission. Should your project require a planning process for approval, the next step is to file a different planning application with the Planning Department and pay the necessary fees.

You require planning approvals before proceeding with the application for your building permit. You may also want to consult with the Health Department, the Fire Department, or the Public Works Department to know any special requirement with your project.

Don’t let your residential or commercial construction stress you. Instead, consult with commercial contractor services and get answers to your pressing questions. Talk to experts today, and save much of your processing time by getting guidance on the right steps you may need to take. You can expect a broad range of services, including Commercial Construction Plans and Residential Construction Plans, and you can have a peace of mind working with reliable professionals.

When You Need a Professional?

You may be wondering whether you need an expert to help you with your permit application process. While you may commit to follow everything and ensure you understand what you need to, the process is complicated even for experienced individuals.

Depending on your project’s size, you may need an expert to guide you. For example, you may require a licensed engineer or architect to prepare part of your project as state laws may require. Check with the Building & Safety Division to know if you need an expert. Whether you have a construction or remodeling project, Orange County Renovation Contractors can help.

Application for a Permit

After completing your proposed project’s plans approvals (If required and granted), you can apply for a permit. You need to produce your application package to the Building & Safety Division, including:

  • Finalized application, related forms, and checklist
  • Required plan copies
  • Supporting documentation (Soil analysis, energy, structural)
  • Review deposit for your plan

You can access the application package at the Building & Safety Division or download it online. The plan’s information and the copies you need may vary depending on your project’s specifications. Ensure you follow the required procedures as they are critical to your application’s success. If you don’t understand this well, ADU builders Orange County can help you. You can consult today for proper guidance to avoid unnecessary glitches.

The Review Process

Construction Plans and Permitting ApprovalWhat should you do next? After submitting your application, the next step is the review process. It may involve several departments. For example, the Building & Safety Division determines disabled access, energy conservation, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and building compliance.

The Fire Department checks if your proposed project complies with fire safety ordinances. The Public Works Department reviews driveway and parking standards, drainage, and flood control compliance. The Planning Division verifies zoning regulations compliance, including required property development standards, required parking, and zoning districts, while the Utilities Department reviews waste management and water conservation issues.

Obtaining your building permit shouldn’t be a headache if you work with experienced professionals. Whether you’re considering room additions, home remodels, or commercial tenant improvement, ADU construction companies are here to guide you.

You deserve the services of proven Orange County General Contractors to help you with your construction needs. Consult with reliable framing contractors today, and rest assured your project is in safe hands.

Corrections and Clarifications

After completing the review of your project, the Building & Safety Division notifies you. If your project plan cannot get approved as per your current submission, you need all departments’ correction suggestions after the review to implement.

You can consider making minor corrections to your original plan. However, if it needs several changes, you should enhance the base drawing and resend revised copies. Avoid correction issues by sending a complete and thorough plan.

Once you improve and resubmit your plan, the departments that suggested corrections will review your revised project. Typically, they require less time to recheck than the initial review. Rechecks may take two to four weeks, depending on your project’s details.

If you have a project you need assistance with, searching for tenant improvement contractors near me can provide you the relevant information you need to hire qualified contractors for your project. You can rely on commercial handyman services for any of your construction needs and get guaranteed quality services.


Obtaining a permit for your commercial and residential plans can be hectic, but this shouldn’t be the case. If you’re inexperienced, consider working with reliable concrete contractors, and your project won’t stall. Experienced professionals understand the process and can guide you throughout for a better outcome. Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial construction plans and permitting? Don’t hesitate to ask experts.