Alright, you’ve decided to improve the value and/or comfort of your home with a renovation. For this important job, you’ll want the premier home renovation contractors near you in Orange County, CA.  A long-established company you can count on for high caliber craftmanship and comforting affordability. Unquestionably, that company is John Christopher Construction, your dependable partner for every type of renovation imaginable. Backed by expertise, knowledge, and experience, we’ll transform any part of your living space into your personal ideal.

Call: (949) 415-4534

Our home renovation program encompasses a wide range of property-improving services. Among the most popular of these services are various home additions. When it comes to these improvements, we do it all. Our team can enhance your property with second story additions, bathroom additions, bedroom additions, or any other living space expansion you desire. All of these improvements will meet your highest expectations thanks to our commitment to uncompromising quality. Don’t worry. We cover all the details thoroughly, from framing to pouring concrete.

Closely related to room additions are home remodels, which we do plenty of. As you might expect, we bring the same level of high-quality craftsmanship to this endeavor as we do every other service in our repertoire. Whatever room or rooms you’re remodeling, the results will be nothing less than inspiring. And here’s something you’ll appreciate, along with the transformed living space – John Christopher Construction will take care of all the details from planning and design to actual construction.  It’s all in our capable hands, including permit acquisition. That’s right. You’ll need permits to build your dream.

What Home Renovations Require a Permit?

j c construction orange county home renovationPermit acquisition is a topic many homeowners never consider. Totally understandable. It’s only natural to focus on the aesthetic aspects of home renovation. Nevertheless, by law, permits must be obtained before the actual work can commence. Now, what home renovations call for a permit? Virtually any major construction requires this governmental authorization. Even if we’re just adding a foundation or expanding your home’s square footage, a permit is mandatory. A garage conversion and a re-roofing are other construction jobs that require governmental authorizations. The list goes on.

A permit is required to ensure any work performed complies with the full scope of local safety and building codes. Now don’t worry about tangles of red tape. You’ll be glad to know that the John Christopher team is thoroughly familiar with the territory and can navigate the permitting landscape with skill and precision. For every project launched, we consistently formulate design plans that accord with the array of often-intricate regulations set in stone by the government. The upshot, of course, is that prompt approvals are par for the course at our company. Homeowners, in turn, are spared the ordeal of frustrating and sometimes costly delays. We understand you don’t want to wait. With us in your corner, you won’t.

The best way to ascertain your permitting needs is to schedule a consultation with one of our team members. If you like, we’ll be happy to explore your needs by phone. Or, we can set up a walk through at your home. There’s no right way; it’s really a personal preference. Either way, we’ll get an opportunity to take an in-depth look at your situation, determine your needs, and formulate the appropriate permitting plan. Ready to make your dreams come true? Just reach out to us, and we’ll get the ball rolling.

j c construction orange county home renovation contractorsHome Renovation Company Near You

Are we a home renovation company near you? If you reside in Orange County, the answer likely is ‘yes’. We cover the county from one end to the other. Among the cities we serve are Orange, Laguna Beach, Tustin, Brea, La Palma, Aliso Viejo, and Laguna Hills. But that’s just a hint. As mentioned, John Christopher Construction provides full coverage to the county. So why call anyone else? We’re close by and ready to renovate.

Home Renovation Costs

Now what about home renovation costs? A top line topic for homeowners; everyone wants to know the price tag. The short answer is – it all depends on the project scope. What material will we need? How much time will it take? What square footage is involved? Does you home need an electrical panel upgrade and/or wiring upgrade? Or copper re-piping? Certain materials or fixtures? These and similar questions must be answered before numbers can emerge. Rest assured, however, that John Christopher Construction will come up with an answer in a timely manner. We’ve got a lot of practice.

You also can be sure we’ll do some major number crunching to calculate the best possible price. It’s all part of our commitment to getting the most competitive pricing for every client. Which is why we’re sure you’ll be pleased with any number we present. It’s easy to get started. Just reach out to our team, and we’ll set up a consultation. This can be done by phone or as a walk through at your home.

j c construction home renovation contractorsHow to plan a home renovation

As with every major project, a home renovation requires major planning. But it’s not all on our end. Residents, too, must anticipate what lies ahead. Homeowners, therefore, must know how to plan a home renovation. The planning should mesh with the particular type of improvement your getting. If we’re doing a partial construction, chances are remain planted on site. Although, to be realistic, noise, dust, and other nuisances will be part of the picture. And remember, while the work progresses, water and gas could be shut off periodically.

Full construction is a whole other matter. When we’re going to this extreme, residents definitely must park themselves somewhere offsite. In that case, you’ll want to contact some willing relatives or friends who owe you a favor, a hotel, a cruise ship, or your favorite campsite and get yourself alternate living quarters.

Contact Us for More information on Home Renovations

By the way, we also offer another kind of home improvement – EV charger installation. So, if you’re planning to add one of these power sources to your property, be sure to reach out to John Christopher Construction, the premier home renovation contractors near you in Orange County, CA. Want to know more? Simply contact us for more information on home renovations. We’re ready to help.